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Bring Data Science to every Chemical R&D

We provide cloud services that can easily perform advanced data analysis and machine learning, from design to manufacturing of various materials.



We contribute to innovation in global chemical industry over the long term by providing high level data science services with a variety of chemical manufacturers and university laboratories.

Our CTO Kaneko's book information (Japanese Only)


Feel free to chemistry and chemical engineering with Python


by Python for Chemistry
Introduction to data analysis and machine learning

Pythonで学ぶ実験計画法入門 ベイズ最適化によるデータ解析.png

An Introduction to Design of Experiments in Python
Data analysis by Bayesian optimization

化学・化学工学のための実践データサイエンス ―Pythonによるデータ解析・機械学習―.png

Practical Data Science for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering -Data Analysis and Machine Learning with Python-


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